A digital membership that empowers self-identified gals and nonbinary pals to confidently own their career growth through professional development done in a S.N.A.P.


We’ve been there. We are trained to think our career growth is in our company’s hands, so we wait for our manager or HR to tap us on the shoulder when it’s “our turn.“ But here's the secret — if you want to rise to the top, you must invest in yourself and take control of your professional development. ⁠Believe it or not, the hardest part is starting.


The Good @ Work Club is a private digital membership for self-identified gals and nonbinary pals. With access to monthly workshops and a community of growth-minded peers, we focus on strengthening professional skills and provide practical advice to effectively manage your career and position yourself for that promotion or raise.

With Good @ WORK CLUB

You will feel fulfilled, confident, and in control of your career. Last year members reported an average 40% increase in their salaries since joining. Learn to set goals and manage your career growth in three simple steps.

1.) Identify professional values and vision for your career

2.) Set development goals that align with your professional desires

3.) Break down the steps it will take to reach those goals


  • Exclusive access to our private member's dashboard⁠

  • Monthly workshops & downloadable workbooks

  • Unlimited access to our growing library of online workshops  ⁠

  • Lunch & Learns, live group call for feedback, coaching, and Q&A

  • A private slack community of growth-minded peers that challenge each other’s blindspots, support one another, and celebrate personal wins

  • Members Only pricing for 1-on-1 coaching


Join the club

Monthly Membership
Every month

Monthly access to our growing library of online classes, monthly workshops, lunch & learns, members only pricing for 1-on-1 coaching sessions.

Annual Membership
Every year

Annual access to our growing library of online classes, monthly workshops, lunch & learns, members only pricing for 1-on-1 coaching sessions.


We have been very lucky to work with some incredibly ambitious members! Our mission is to empower self-identified gals and nonbinary pals to own their professional development, align to their highest values, and succeed like never before. Members thrive in their careers because they put in the work. We're excited to share their success stories with you today!

Testimonial from Talya
Testimonial from Jamie
Testimonial from Carly

how We can help

Being good at work isn’t about a title or authority. It’s about the influence and impact someone makes.



Attitude over Aptitude! Mindset is one of the most important skills. Understanding yours, learning how to change it, and how to positively affect other people’s mindset supercharges every aspect of your life including your career.

Bring your ideas to life

Beyond being a mentor, we are coaches. Mentors are experienced and trusted advisors. Coaches partner with you in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires you to maximize your personal and professional potential. We are here to both advise and coach while holding you accountable.

career grwoth

Never stop learning. Taking time to understand your strengths allows you to lean into them. Planning your growth and skills training will break you through the next ceiling. This gives you control in which direction your career takes.


Women often report that they do not feel heard or appreciated. The key to changing this is getting comfortable with self-promotion. We are on the mission to abolish the negative stigma attached to discussing achievements. Self-promotion is not bragging, and is not conceited, brash, or rude!

Evolving communication

Whether it’s learning how to present your ideas, transform conflict, or how to better understand, communication skills are the cornerstone of relationships, influencing others, and should be in constant development.

Community of peers

Professional life can feel lonely at times. You are not alone. Good @ Work Club is a community of growth-minded women from varied industries, where we challenge each other, support each other, and celebrate one another’s wins.

Get unlimited access to our full suite

of Workshops when you become a member.